Friday, March 30, 2012

Bucket List Item #20

A ride in a bucket to the top of the world with the perfect companion to enjoy the view and the experience. 
The buckets have been found in abundance, unfortunately the latter is a bit more difficult to come by.... one day soon though... 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Same Same... Only Different

The more things change
The more they stay the same

The title of this post is a common saying among expats in the UAE.
The first two lines of this post can be explained in pictures.

If you didn't know better, you might think this is somewhere in far west Texas near Big Bend and Terlingua... but it isn't. 
It is Fujarah, an emirate in the UAE. Took a short road trip to check out the Gulf of Oman. Most road trips are more about the journey than the destination. This journey was more about another journey that didn't have a road or a map. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What is a Clever Conversation Worth?

A friend and I walk down aisles and aisles of kiosk shops from all over the world. One, in particular, in the India "area" has a few scarves we stop to discuss. 
The shop keeper attempts to lure us in, as do all the shop keepers in this part of the world. He says "This is the shop, this is where you want to be". 
I find his use of English very enticing, since so many of the people here cannot use proper grammar to concoct a sentence that isn't memorized as a sentence. 
We step in
What follows is a series of exchanges that are funny, playful and very entertaining. He has perfect language skills, he jokes, he makes us laugh. 
His prices aren't the best, my friend points out to me. 
I buy more scarves than I might wear in a lifetime, but they will make good gifts if I don't wear them. 
If I do wear them, I will smile and think of a conversation
with a shop keeper
who innocently flirted and said "40 dirham" with an expression on his face that felt like a kiss when it reached your ears. 

A clever conversation is worth gold to me. 
Right now I am gold poor. 
The prices don't matter, the exchange was priceless and my memory will hold it dear... 

Global Village in Dubai 10 aed
Scarves 150 aed
A 15 minute clever conversation that makes me laugh and smile ... Priceless