Friday, February 1, 2013

February Fools Day

Rough week. REALLY ROUGH week.
So after almost three months of no posts, here is one.
So, what do you think?
Are all those cute little sayings,

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

really true
or are they just there to make you not feel like such a failure?

Sometimes, I think things truly happen for a reason, like a greater power showing me a sign.
This morning it was a movie I would have never chosen to watch. I don't think I had ever seen it before either, because I thought the storyline was completely different.
But, when it came on, I didn't change the channel.
As I watched, I saw undercurrents of people acting for their own agendas,
leading others astray of their true intentions.
Using someone for their own self-promotion, as the main character simply worked to do what they had always wanted to do for the good of others around them.

There were too many parallels for me to mention them all, but it certainly showed me that even
when I am the underdog,
when I am doing my best for the situation I am in
when I make mistakes and try to pick myself up and correct them

that others that I think are on my side may or may not be.

There are things about my life where I am that are not easy, right now they are down right difficult. However, just like the main character in the movie, I will persevere and take the hurdles, setbacks and consequences as they come.

The movie? G.I. Jane