Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It was only a Dream

As a teenager, I could easily sleep 12 hours or more a night, mostly on my stomach.
Later, after I was a young adult and after I had children of my own, I could still sleep a very long time. More than once I was asked or an insinuation was made that I slept "too much". Fantastically, and as hard as it might seem, this is when my mother would come to my defense and tell me that I had always needed more sleep than most people. It is still true.
As the "new me" emerges, after years of too little sleep, not being able to sleep on my back or my stomach anymore and years of insomnia due to unrest in my personal and professional life, I find I can again sleep 10 hours and still not want to crawl out of bed in the morning. Along with my newfound peaceful rest are dreams.
Dreams of bacon, piles and piles of it, raw and in wait for me to create some delicious morsel of an appetizer, yet it is unclear from recollection of the dream if it was my favorite stuffed japs or some other concoction. With bacon, anything is better. So that morning I woke up, and of course, wanted a BLT with hashbrowns and set out for the nearest Jims to have breakfast.
A while back it one with me hiking with my adopted brother over a landscape of rolling hills with holes in them, like something Dr. Seuss would dream up, dipping in and out of the connected holes, and a slow polar bear in front of us. I slapped the bear on the ass and told him to hurry up....
Then there are the houses with numerous rooms that lead from one to another, turn into my former workplace and a screaming out-of-control control freak of a boss and me standing there naked...

It is apparent I dream much and remember little, but sometimes I do and I ponder as to what it all means. After all, our brains filter and digest everything from our day and pysche as we sleep doesn't it? sort of? So, I have had plenty to work on for many many years... and now I am in catch-up mode I am sure.

My all time most repetitive dream is of being in a small cave-like indention in a mountain, next to the road. I am about 6 or 7 and with my family on a vacation. As I stand in the cave, looking at the rock layers of the wall, a bee buzzes around me and my oldest brother is standing there, and then the bee stings me and I wake up.

My favorite and most heart breaking dream is when I was a teen and I dreamt of falling in love with a boy, only to wake up and realize he was merely a dream. I still remember his name, his vehicle and how he looked to me in my dream. I still have to stop and look at anyone driving an avocado green double cab ford pickup when I see one. Maybe I will find him one day....

Last night, or early this morning, it was a dream of a lotto ticket.
I was checking my numbers,
and I had one,
three, four....
Five out of Six... woo hoo
so I gathered up all my tickets
over the last month
and put them in a safe place, and
thought, well...
I wonder how much money 5 out of 6 numbers will be...

After I woke up,
realized it was a chilly morning
for late March, lazed around in bed reading blogs, and finally dressed and messaged a friend for the weather report, to make sure my choice of dress for the day was appropriate, I realized...


oh, oh yeah
It was only a dream....

Maybe dreams really do come true.....

I would like to think we can all make our dreams come true, if we don't get caught up in all the other "stuff" out there...

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