Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Never try to go unnoticed in a small town.
It is near impossible.
If not completely impossible.
Currently, while in my metamorphosis stage of pupae I have been traveling to a small town close by as part of my job. Each week, at least twice, a trip to the local library is involved. It is interesting to read the newspaper, skim the new books that have just come in, or look up the meaning of my most recent dreams in a book I believe should be in the resource area rather than be checked out. During my recent (3 months) interest in living off-grid in a tiny house, I have found there are not many books on the subject of any substance. So... on one such adventurous outing to the library I asked if they had any books on the subject and the polite librarian gave me a form to fill out for an inter-library loan. That was about 2 months ago. A week later, I asked, and the book had just come in. It was written in the 50's. I giggled, checked out the book and thumbed through it before I went to bed that night... interesting, but not much help.
The weeks passed.
I thought nothing of it...
We have been in the library several times, said hello to at least 3 different librarians, read, looked at the internet on their computers, browsed the dvd's for when my netflix are in transit and bought things at their fundraiser bake sale.
Last week as I was sitting and reading, the librarian, the one who had done the loan from the other library, approached me and said "I haven't forgotten about the off-grid books you were looking for, so I have checked back with them several times and we have another book that should be here for you soon."

Hmmmmm, and here I thought I was incognito....

Btw, they called today, while I was parking the car outside the library, to let me know the book was in.
The title is World Changing: A User's Guide for the 21st Century.
It is about the size of Moby Dick... so skimming and searching will commence before reading...

Just remember, a free thinker will stand out from the crowd, whether in a small town or a big city, it is just easier to be incognito in a big city...


tffnguy said...

Cindy, nice to meet you and hope you can come up with some land down here that you like.

Cindy Talbot said...

Enjoyed meeting all my new friends. Patience is the key to looking for my next life. The land is the base and what I make out of it is the tale to tell. Thanks for the Mojito, it was a great life saver...lol now I have another use for them.