Saturday, July 30, 2011

Watch Out

Once upon a time I wore a watch
A simple watch with easy to read numbers
A comfy two tone watch 
to wear with gold or silver jewelry
Shortly after my last husband 
(yes he is and will remain my last husband)
and I married,
 I became a teacher
It seemed a good time to replace my watch
with one very similar 
so students could see 
and read the time on it as well

The day we divorced
I took it off and laid it down

and didn't pick it up again
until last month
Last month while going through everything I own
 I found it in a drawer
A smile appeared 
as fond memories surfaced
 a trip to the jeweler ensued

A battery and new crystal later
 it is on my wrist 
wherever I go

May not seem like much 
but it is a huge paradigm shift
I don't know if I associated the watch
 with the loss of my married life
and best friend

This much I do know
 when an experience is soured for me
any representation of it is soured as well

Clothes worn when something negative has happened
rarely worn again
I no longer geocache regularly even though I love it

Gone are the days of collecting quarters 
sorting them by state and mint and organizing them

in fact I cashed them in at the bank
 except for the sets from the mint
and I really enjoyed that hobby

There are others but really these are the ones that stand out 
in this moment

So, my watch looks great
It feels great
I forget I have it on
Like an old friend
we have taken up 
right where we left off

Perhaps I will start collecting coins while overseas

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