Thursday, September 8, 2011

Very Long Day

At the end of the day
all that matters
is crisp, yet soft, white linens, caressing my freshly showered, tired yet exhilarated body, as I nestle in with a mountain of soft, downy pillows and fall asleep...
Doesn't really matter where you are in the world, you can still get so tired that you just want a familiar spot or reminder, to let you know this new life is not a dream.
Out my window is a nighttime scene that brings me peace and serenity.

The day started with a wake up call a mere 4 hours after my restless night began. Somewhere in the mix, there was last minute packing, saying goodbye to all the great people at the hotel I was leaving, boarding a bus for a 3 hour ride into the Western Region, pizza in desert, an informative meeting of what to expect over the next week. A lively dinner,  reasonably priced, with pool tables and darts... felt like home and that was a very good thing. A shower and sleep.
Today I will try out the pool and the beach.
There is so much less going on now, for a bit, I will write more often. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I am an Island.... Girl

It is Saturday...
It is SATURDAY... already?
Time is a wondrous idea.... the days have gone by quickly
while time has seemingly stood still

Adventure to Delma Island on Monday, last Monday,
with a return on Wednesday.
Two days that felt like forever
and still seem to me as a dream.

It is a beautiful island...
with much growth about to occur.

The water is inviting and I could have stayed in it all day,
if I had a hat... (hat is purchased, a new one for the water)
The company of two other teachers that will be there, was great.
The transportation might be interesting to figure out...
if only there were golf carts there... or a Segway or a Vespa...
we will see.

As we have been told, asked, and experienced..
there is little to do there other than spend time at the beach.
Not many shops,
only one grocery store,
a women's gym, that we did not see except from afar,
a beautiful park, but it was much too hot to spend anytime outside
without being in the water.

We were there during EID which is the end celebration of Ramadan
Nothing was open except during the evening
and the first night we explored the Co-op grocery store
and the second night it was closed,
but the ice cream shop was open.
On Wednesday morning I was very ready to be back in Abu Dhabi.

So in the three days I have been at my hotel in Abu Dhabi
I contemplated my choice of the island when asked if anyone wanted to go there...
It is certainly clear to me why others did not choose it
and why I did choose it.
I can't wait to be there now...
and at the moment
I am playing the Patience Game
Wait, wait, wait, and when you think you can't stand it any more
Wait some more....
I am not antsy, or nervous, or freaking out...
I am just excited about
meeting the locals on the Island
Teaching the children
sitting on the beach
floating on the water
practicing my darts
working out
having the time of my life...

I am an Island Girl... through and through