Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dreams Do Come True

Hopeless romantic is a term I have used many times to describe myself. As those who knew me as a teen would agree I would watch all the sappy love story movies and shows and wish that life was like a fairy tale or romantic movie. 
A few years ago a movie called Under the Tuscan Sun was added to my dvd collection that is less than 20 movies deep. I don't remember why I have it, or if it was one my mom had, but now it is mine. 
One of my favorite scenes is when the main character played by Diane Lane is reminded that all the things she wanted have come to pass... a house full of love, etc, even though they weren't in the form she might have thought. 
Once upon a time, in a land far away, a young (ahem) lady wished to have a kitchen in which to cook lovely homemade meals and someone to cook for. She longed for a view out her window that looked down on the city lights and out onto water. Her dreams and wishes for living on an island with friends were grand and her pocket book meager as she searched for an affordable home on the Texas coast. 
Being a social creature who enjoyed having someone to share a home. She thought it would be so nice to not have to eat alone and such a relief it would be to share her daily grind with someone at the end of the day. 

Lo and behold, just as she was giving up hope of anything coming of all her dreams, as they felt more than an arms length out of reach, her life changed. 
In what felt like a whirlwind romance, she was scooped up and moved to a land far away to work in the vocation of her life's calling. 
The home she was provided is on the 5th floor of the only two high rise buildings on a small island in the Arabian Gulf. Because of a housing shortage, all her compadres and coworkers would have to share housing, so she openly accepted a room mate who has turned out to be a blessing in disguise. 

Each day she comes home to a wonderful home with a view of the water, and looks out over the small town on a small island. The water view and the sea breeze take her breath away and calm her senses as she watches the sun set and the lights glisten in the night sky. 
Twice a week she cooks in her small but efficient kitchen for at least 3 people and sometimes up to 10 for the Dinner Club she started. 
On the weekend a drive to the beach and some time to read and relax are great therapy and help her ready herself for another week. 
She works hard, she listens to her room mates woes and triumphs and shares her own, and she enjoys her time with friends. 
She knows that no matter what comes next, if she makes the list, and puts the thought out there, there isn't anything that can stop her from living life happily ever after. 

It may not look exactly like I envisioned, but small details have to be added to the list to make it more exact... and the future ones for 2012 will have more details. I can't wait to see the results. 


The Future Was Yesterday said...

Hopeless romantic is a term I have used many times to describe myself.

That makes two of us. and no. I'm not looking.:)

Cindy Talbot said...

Yes, it is a term that many have used... and be careful where you walk if you aren't looking, you might run into something or trip.