Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thought for the Day

Eat, Pray, Love. Well two out three isn't bad.
However, if thinking of eating is the same as eating, then I am guilty as charged.
Today is the first time I am attempting to fast for 24 hours in order to improve my health and lose weight.

Here is how it all started... before you say anything, hear me out.
Every time I see a doctor, my lab results, my blood pressure, my oxygen saturation levels, everything, I mean EVERYTHING, comes back in "NORMAL" range, what ever that is...


Last week whilst seeing a doctor for my depraved mind  trying to get someone to tell me why I can't seem to get well and whether or not I have walking pneumonia (I am and I don't). The doctor wanted a fasting blood sugar level and a cholesterol level test done.
Hmmm do I think I have diabetes or high cholesterol? Uh... NO and probably...
So the lab calls this morning.
"Miss Cindy?" (a woman of asian or Philippino descent, you do the accent, it makes it worth it)
"Miss Cindy?"
"Yes, I am Miss Cindy"
"Miss Cindy, this is blah blah blah from Dr. Dah dah dah's office"
long pause
"Ok, are you calling about an appt?"
"Miss Cindy, you had lab work done?"
"Oh yes, I did"
"Miss Cindy, your lab work has come back and Dr. Dah Dah Dah would like you to make an appt. to see her and she can give you your lab results."

Ok, right about here I am thinking... I have never had a call like this before.. Shit, I am getting old and am going to have to start taking better care of this shell I am hauling around with me... CRAP! I HAVE DREADED THIS DAY ALL MY LIFE AND NOW IT IS HERE... EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE!

"um, can't you just give the results to me over the phone? I don't live close to Abu Dhabi and it will be a few weeks before I come back to the city... "

* stall... talk her into the info... act like it is impossible... stall...

"Miss Cindy, I do not have your results in front of me..."

*crap, it was worth a try

"It is not an emergency, but the doctor would like to see you..."

*whew, it is the cholesterol probably

"would you like to make an appt Miss Cindy?"

"No, I will just call when I get to Abu Dhabi in a few weeks...."

*don't make an appt., get off the phone, be polite
"Thank you for calling, I will make the appt. blah blah blah, bubye"



Then I forgot about it...

Until I got home from work

Hey, a friend of mine sent me a link to a video about a man who wanted to start watching his health as he was getting old oldER and he found that fasting was beneficial. People all over the world do it, so I can too. Heck when I had to fast before going to the doctor, it was a piece of cake. (Bad, I know)

So... when did I last eat something and what was it?
A breakfast bar and a little peach cobbler I made last night, and about 10 am.
Hmmm, I can wait til tomorrow morning to eat again, piece of cake right? NO, glass of water.

Now usually, I can sit and read and surf and watch and talk and I don't think I eat or drink while I do those for an entire evening or not much...

I have now figured out, at 8 pm in the evening, my thoughts turn to food about every 10 minutes if I think I can't have any... however, in the video it is stated that if you wait 15 minutes, the hunger thoughts will end.
Hmmm,  I am not a mathematician, even though I play one with 5 year olds, but even I can figure out THAT DOESN'T ADD UP.

So, let's do some Pinning (yes I am addicted)
hmmm, how many food pins did I "Pin It"? I don't know, a few more than I have in a very long time. I don't usually pin food unless it really moves me or is a soup, as I can always use a good soup idea.

Ok, that wasn't a good idea. Let's watch a movie... oh look, they are picking apples, and crabs.. yeah, it is all about the food for me.

Now it is late, and I am sleepy, so after my revelation of how much food does rule my life and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I am going to make it. Of course, I still have my head in the sand about the lab results. Please don't take my bacon away, or my peach cobbler.

My momma, bless her soul, had a hunger for good food right up to the end, of course, it was the tumors in her head making her think she was hungry. Or was that just what she told me so I wouldn't give up the good food fight.

My body is a temple and it is high time I started treating it that way.
Now if my will can overcome temptation.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Teach Me

Kumquats are something I have had never tried. While traipsing around Abu Dhabi in search of beets and fennel for her salads, my friend picked these up at the local Lulu's. As we were leaving she grabs the package out of the bag in shopping cart, tears open the plastic and plucks one out. 
"Here, try this." she states in a calm demeanor. 
In no way preparing me for the explosion of flavor and confusion about to overcome my taste buds. 
The contorted look of exponential sour-ness on my face tells her some explanation is in order. 

Yep, tried my first kumquat, like the nickname "squats" another friend taught me, and liken them to natures own sour gummy, and better for you. 

Margaritas you say? why yes, that is a great idea for them as well. 
A tree I can have in my garden? even better. 

Going "All In"

Why make a simple decision difficult?
Because it is what I do best, and unintentionally.

As I rose out of an incredible slumber this morning, a brave decision was made. My little Shasta will come home with me in July/ August, and roost in it's new home until our next great adventure.
What should we see on our way down Route 66 from Chicago? or while we are Niagara Falls? or when we traipse through the southern part of Canada on our way to Chicago, just so we can say we were in Canada?
Let me know and cheer us on... it might be a one woman show... unless you want to tag along.

It will be an adventure for sure... and after all, shouldn't life be about the journey, not the destination?