Saturday, May 18, 2013

Teach Me

Kumquats are something I have had never tried. While traipsing around Abu Dhabi in search of beets and fennel for her salads, my friend picked these up at the local Lulu's. As we were leaving she grabs the package out of the bag in shopping cart, tears open the plastic and plucks one out. 
"Here, try this." she states in a calm demeanor. 
In no way preparing me for the explosion of flavor and confusion about to overcome my taste buds. 
The contorted look of exponential sour-ness on my face tells her some explanation is in order. 

Yep, tried my first kumquat, like the nickname "squats" another friend taught me, and liken them to natures own sour gummy, and better for you. 

Margaritas you say? why yes, that is a great idea for them as well. 
A tree I can have in my garden? even better. 

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