Sunday, January 11, 2015

I Admit It, I Am Addicted

 That's right. I have an addiction that is truly harmful to me. I am addicted to sugar. It is causing me great harm in the shape of my body and will possibly lead to worse scenarios if I don't do something about it now.
My first step started a while back. I stopped drinking soda, pop, cokes, specifically Diet Coke. I then reverted to Coke, once living overseas where they are still made with sugar not corn syrup. I have cut back on them considerably, even though I wasn't drinking that many (3-4 a week). Now it is a rare treat and I no longer crave them.
My next step is to cut out all processed sugar. Cakes, candy, cookies, chocolate, and sugar in my tea or coffee (the hardest to deal with). I am still eating fruit and limited amounts of bread/potatoes and they will be the next to go.
So far I have made it two days. Is there a two day chip? I deserve one! lol I am hoping to stay off it until I am through the full 3 steps, with fruit being the last to be eliminated, about a total of a month, but we will just have to see how it goes and if I fall off the wagon.
It hasn't been overly tempting at this point. At least most people at work are dieting, so there aren't many sweets  in plain sight to call my name.
The headache has come... the crabbiness has increased... pray for those around me until it all subsides.

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