Friday, April 1, 2011

Hindsight... it ain't looking through your rearview mirror

The last guy I dated/lived with
however briefly
asked me
in a very upset voice late at night
"why do you want to talk when it is time to go to sleep?"
and I didn't know the answer,
until yesterday.
My clients come home every evening
sometimes to have a family dinner
this particular night was one.
They sat and talked about their issues,
personal and professional,
in front of their children,
who eat with their fingers instead of using utensils
which they are given
and not any attention paid to or conversations were had with these small charges, who were well aware their choices for behavior were going unnoticed by their paternal beings at the same table....
and as I observed
I thought back to when my boys were small
and being raised with step brothers and sister
and what our family dinners were like
As much as I would like to think that we asked the children
about their day,
or talked to them about what was going on in their lives
I am not positive we did
what I do remember
is that each night
when we went to bed
is when we discussed our day
and what was going on
Some of which was not any business of the children or
at least didn't need to be said in front of them

Then, and only then did I remember being asked
why I talk when we get in bed to sleep
and now I remember why....

then I thought
and I still do
I think it is nice to lay down in a bed
with a significant other
and talk, without noise or interruption, nor distraction
of your day, hopes, wishes, worries or dreams...
while someone holds you, or touches your feet with theirs
it is one of those little things in life that makes it
oh so much better...

don't let someone make you feel bad about something so simple and enjoyable...
they don't realize how special it is... so show them...


Anonymous said...

you dont have to be in bed to talk, I stayed up till 3 am last night talking with someone. ( not my significant other). sometimes after a long day and all the noise has quieted it is nice to just get things off yer mind.


Denese said...

I agree. Don't let anyone spoil your small pleasures.

Cindy Talbot said...

Thanks for stopping by and being my first commenters guys...

Yes, it is good to stay up late talking, not just in bed, to friends and family and having a good time... it is one of the small pleasure I enjoy as well.

Thanks Jicky, I agree... could be why I am

Wm. Pugh said...

I loved to talk in bed after long day and/or shift work when I was a Texas Peace Officer.
But like you I am or she is gone!?