Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Eid Mubarak!

                                                                                                                                                                                   For Eid, a national religious holiday allowing me 3 extra days off this week, a trip to become more familiar with my surroundings was in order.
First stop, Abu Dhabi, a 5+ hour trip from home, for simple things, like a hair appointment and a splurge of a dinner and movie out on the town. Bright and early the next day, a drive north ( I think, I am so turned around having a coast line on the North side of the country and yet I look out my flat window to the south and see the marina) to Dubai. Surreal is the best word I can think of to describe the current of excitement running through me as the realization of what was ahead and how it seemed like a dream far from the reality I would have ever imagined for myself.
After two days of enjoying the sights, and barely scratching the surface of all the city has to offer, the road was before me again.
The second stop, Madinet Zayed to spend time with friends and see the sights of Liwa. As we drove down the street right behind her villa, through the bushes by the road we spotted camels and their keeper. A great photo op. On up the road we drove to where the camel races are held and an oasis of a hotel provided more ops for great shots. Then the red sands of Liwa. An amazingly overcast day with occasional sprinkles from the sky, good friends, new friends, and an adventuresome spirit created a wonderful experience to be remembered always. On the road less traveled back to the ferry port, time was taken to contemplate what brought me here... it couldn't be any better if it was a dream.

Still pinching myself even though I don't want to wake up.

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