Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween

Knives, fire, candy and alternate identities, what holiday could be any better? Come to think of it, Christmas has all of those things as well, except perhaps knives. However, Halloween is my favorite and has been for some time.
When recalling childhood holiday celebrations, festivities such as riding bikes to follow my brothers and friends to a house where the bellows of an elephant are heard from a backyard. My mother making popcorn balls to give out and knowing that cannot be done any more without serving them only to people you know, as they will be thrown away for fear of something "dangerous" included. Festivals including Three Stooges haunted house films on a projector with metal folding chairs, trick or treating in costumes my mother made or bought for me... the few times you would catch me in a dress as a child.
The memories are much more vivid than any Christmas. This year was not without it's excitement, unfortunately, it occurred before the actual day and was not the kind of fun I enjoy with people who pose as friends. They finally took their masks off, or maybe I finally saw them for what they actually are.
Didn't stop me from carving a pumpkin. Actually found one in the local souk (veggie stand) that looked like a "real" one. Then while in the big city picked up some more familiar items to decorate my table and give the flat (apt.) a true holiday feeling. Plus I have the seeds to plant for more real pumpkins that aren't genetically engineered.
In the spirit of the zombie apocalypse, my carving is a hybrid, a vampire zombie. Of course, I had visions of how I will decorate when I am back in my hometown in my own home on Halloween with friends and family, but that is what Pinterest is for ... right?
Enjoy all your holidays, especially your favorite one, no matter where you are. Even if you have to fake it til you make it.

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