Friday, August 19, 2011

The Big Move

I now reside in the United Arab Emirates.
My final destination appears to be Delma Island
in a few weeks.
Right now it seems there are about 600+ people
from all over the world
hired to work as teachers
and we are staying in 3 hotels in Abu Dhabi...

For a week I have been thinking about my first post
to write involving my newest adventure

it hasn't been hard to think of things to write about
It is beautiful and lavish here
the people are very warm and friendly
oh, and when I say "the people"
I, definitely, definitely, mean the emirates....

but the story that comes to mind today,
in the spirit of this blog
that is for my children

is a Christmas story.

I love holidays, as you know
and probably my favorite as an adult is Halloween
one of the things I know I will miss from the US
is celebrating Halloween

However, as a child
my favorite holiday was Christmas

I remember my dad, A Ray, loving Christmas
in fact, he enjoyed all the other holidays too,
and is probably the main contributor
of my love for celebrating any holiday
real or conceived for a reason to celebrate
 every chance I get.

Every Christmas, for as long as I can remember
I hated having to wait to see what my presents were
I could not stand not knowing
The anticipation was pure torture

The beautiful wrapping of so many treasures
sitting out in plain sight
just waiting til I could caress them
and admire with wonder and excitement
for they had to be
the desires of my heart
surely everyone knew
as I am positive I told them
EXACTLY what I wanted.

As an adult, my skills as a pseudo detective,
interpreter of meaning, super secret sleuth,
I must say,
are directly results of my experiences
during the holiday season as a child

searching behind closed doors,
under beds,
in secret spots
and even
unwrapping and re-wrapping
gifts with such precision
to be undetectable
or at least in the eyes of a child
they were

it was best for me to know what the gift was
because if it was something
I did not like or didn't want
I could act surprised and happy to have it

as I am horrible at hiding displeasure
or disappointment.

the thoughts of Christmas
and the sneak peeks
have come to mind
because as I wait in this hotel room
to find out more
about the teaching adventure before me
I am not unwrapping the gift early.

I am waiting
to learn where I will be (if it changes)
what my new home will look like
what all the logistics are

while other teachers (many arrogant americans)
are emailing, antagonizing our employers and others
and spouting off information
that may or may not be true.

So I guess, my boys,
and I hate to admit this,
it is better to leave the gift in the box
with the beautiful wrapping intact
the way the bearer intended
until the time arrives,
the time set aside to open it.
Have Patience...

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