Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I am Learning...

Since August 12, 2011, I have been in the UAE.
  Abu Dhabi, as a matter of fact, and August 11 is the last day I had cell phone service. It has been amazing how little I have missed it. Since I am able to communicate with everyone near and dear to my heart, yet thousands of miles away, it has been easy to do without it.

Yesterday, my new employer asked us for our mobile phone numbers... uh... I don't have one. I haven't even tried to get one. I wasn't sure what company to go with, even though there are only two choices. Especially since I didn't know where I would be placed in the Emirate.
Have I found life difficult without a mobile phone?
... uh only once, or actually twice.
Funny, one was yesterday and the other was tonight.
Yesterday, two new friends invited me to meet them for dinner at a Mexican food in a mall close to my hotel.
Even though I wasn't hungry, I wanted to join them for camaraderie and conversation. I arrived at the mall about thirty minutes early, so I could check out cell phones, only to find I had not thought things through and brought along a copy of my passport and work visa.
  Insha'allah, tomorrow I will look for a phone plan. Hmmm, well, I walk over to the mall directory and find the restaurant. Hmmmm, Mexican food, Mexican food, Mexican food... hmmmm there are no any restaurants with Mexican food....
well guess since I am 20 minutes early, I will just wait in case they show up anyway.
Long story short, they went to another mall, and I had hot chocolate at Starbucks (they don't have Chai tea in the UAE Starbucks) and then took a taxi back to the hotel when they hadn't shown up...
My phone had voicemail with one of my friends calling to let me know which mall they went to the Mexican food restaurant.

Then there was tonight. Same friends made plans to meet at another restaurant we both knew at 7 pm. We laugh and say, as we are planning, there is only ONE of them isn't there?
So I show up at the Lebanese restaurant and get a table for 3. Of course, I am early, and reading while I am waiting for fasting to end (it is Ramadan). Then I decide to ask the waiter if there are other locations... and guess what... why yes, yes there are... 3 in fact.
Hmmm, well luckily, there were two ladies at the table next to mine, with a baby. One was an LT also, and in the newest group to arrive and they asked me to join them and I did.
Two new friends made, but wishing I had a phone to call my other friends occurred more than once.
After dinner I caught a taxi to the mall to look at phones and plans with my paperwork in my purse. After a trip downstairs to the Carrefour to check out the options, I went upstairs to the provider kiosk to check plan options. The guys at both counters were very helpful.
I returned downstairs to price phones and pick out a number. Then there was the sim card and the buying of the minutes. 45 minutes later, I pay for my new phone and time and then....

the printers are calling my name....
I need some copies of my paperwork, and the hotel charges so much for copies, I thought it might be cheaper to buy an inexpensive printer and print them myself. 37 USD will buy a printer that comes with a bag to carry it in, because it is compact.
After returning to the hotel with it, I unbox it and attempt to set it up, only to find, there are no drivers compatible for my Mac...
Heavy sigh....
Guess I will pay for the copies and try to sell the printer to a friend...
I am learning lessons in patience...


Laura said...

I hate missing people at places where I am supposed to meet them. I always feel so dazed and confused about it. Your attitude is admirable!

Leigh said...

Cindy I'm thinking that atleast on the island we won't end up at different places waiting for each place to eat?? LOL

Cindy Talbot said...

Laura, It has been a long time coming, but I have learned that I can roll with it and make the best of it... and cry later, usually before I go to

Maybe that is why we are going to be on the island... but I think we will go out together at the same time and find someplace to eat... on the island or in AD or AA.