Saturday, November 17, 2012

Good Morning Sunshine?

The other day, someone was discussing their inability to breathe in the UAE. After researching the reasons why, she found out the UAE is the 4th worst country in the world for air pollution. OK, maybe pollution overall. So the lovely sunrise photo above is brought to you by the disgusting haze on the horizon toward one of the largest petroleum plants in the UAE. Each day the sun rises through the haze to the clear sky and sets before I can see it sink into the sea behind a thicker haze in the west. Beautiful photos indeed, but what is it doing to my body? Why do I not have the breathing issues that others here have?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A is for Apple

It is dark, and has been for what seems an eternity, but in reality, but a few hours. My inability to move from the couch to find the Halloween candy I hear whispering my name should attest to my lack of energy and pure exhaustion.
Tomorrow's agenda holds for me, a full day of work, but before I can go to work, I must:
Pack a suitcase for the weekend in Abu Dhabi
Print out all documents I must have notarized at the Embassy
Make sure I have all my ducks in a row and am ready to have all i's dotted and t's crossed.
Take out the trash
Water all plants
make sure all perishables are in the refrigerator or thrown away
set all electronics to charge so I will have something to entertain me while in transit

and then,
well then I can trek off to work to see what the day holds for me.

After work, I must make sure all is in the car that needs to go, fill up the gas tank, buy some water and snacks for the road.
Then the trek to take care of business I am not in the least excited about will ensue.
30 minutes to buy a ferry ticket, get the car in the queue (line for my American friends) and board the ferry. Once it begins to churn through the water, I will happily see the other side and drive away from the port a mere 90 minutes later.
Whew, only 2 and a half hours before I arrive in Abu Dhabi. Now all that has to be done is drive 140 km/h weaving out of trucks driving almost half that and locals driving much faster than I am, and want me out of their way.
All so I can go to the Embassy to get a piece of paper signed and notarized and mailed to the US within the next 24 hours.

Now if I were living elsewhere, the overnight bag just to get something notarized, or grocery shop, or attend a brunch with friends would not be necessary. But I am not, I am living on Delma Island, where you have to travel a long distance to go anywhere.

Of course, this is the regular MO for every trip to Abu Dhabi, and yes, I will be doing other things, but not because I would have anyway, (I wouldn't have been traveling this weekend) but because I am already there.

That is what happens when my mother implanted her voice in my head and all I can hear is what she wanted me to do rather than what I want to do. Yes, she can control me from the grave.

Perhaps now my friends, you will understand where the part of me that wants things a certain way comes from... the apple sitting right next to the tree.... although I am trying to roll away from it as much as I can.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

There's a Fire in My Heart

Beauty in every direction
Water, waves, and sun
Moon smiling late at night
Drift wood 
ready for the heat
Rock walls up 
for protection
The foundation laid with care 
and yet, 
Not a spark in sight.  

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saving for a Rainy Day

 Early this morning I woke thinking it was much earlier than I usually wake up, as the room was not yet bright and shiny like a new penny. It was dull but still light.... wait, what is this? A cloudy day. Oh what a lucky girl am I, for a cloudy day happens less than the number of fingers on one hand. 
Even when it does rain, it is usually at night or early in the morning and today, it was just that. Or so it appeared when I went out to the car to drive to the ADNOC (read as corner store, 7-11 etc). The windshield was my only clue as there were visible remnants of where droplets landed. You see, when it does rain, it is so dry here that you cannot tell shortly afterwards there was any rain at all. 
While driving I found my gaze moving upwards to the billowing clouds and one side of the island appeared dark and foreboding. Hmmm, after dropping my milk by the apt. and picking up my camera, a short trek to the other side where in the distance I could see a rain shower. The picture doesn't really do it justice, but as I walked along looking around at the sky for cool clouds and the ground at the black sand that has accumulated I heard faint rumblings, and they were not coming from my stomach. 

It is amazing how very insignificant (at times in your life) things in life can make you so happy. 
A cloudy morning for sleeping in (read a book for 2 hours in bed after I woke up) 
Billowing clouds of white, gray, blue and everything in between. 
Mica in the sand appearing blue instead of shiny black as it reflected the sky instead of the sunlight. 
A bagful of sand to take home.
Thunder, fresh air, a little lightning. 

It was a wondrous morning. 

What do you see in the last picture? 

I see Santa Claus. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween

Knives, fire, candy and alternate identities, what holiday could be any better? Come to think of it, Christmas has all of those things as well, except perhaps knives. However, Halloween is my favorite and has been for some time.
When recalling childhood holiday celebrations, festivities such as riding bikes to follow my brothers and friends to a house where the bellows of an elephant are heard from a backyard. My mother making popcorn balls to give out and knowing that cannot be done any more without serving them only to people you know, as they will be thrown away for fear of something "dangerous" included. Festivals including Three Stooges haunted house films on a projector with metal folding chairs, trick or treating in costumes my mother made or bought for me... the few times you would catch me in a dress as a child.
The memories are much more vivid than any Christmas. This year was not without it's excitement, unfortunately, it occurred before the actual day and was not the kind of fun I enjoy with people who pose as friends. They finally took their masks off, or maybe I finally saw them for what they actually are.
Didn't stop me from carving a pumpkin. Actually found one in the local souk (veggie stand) that looked like a "real" one. Then while in the big city picked up some more familiar items to decorate my table and give the flat (apt.) a true holiday feeling. Plus I have the seeds to plant for more real pumpkins that aren't genetically engineered.
In the spirit of the zombie apocalypse, my carving is a hybrid, a vampire zombie. Of course, I had visions of how I will decorate when I am back in my hometown in my own home on Halloween with friends and family, but that is what Pinterest is for ... right?
Enjoy all your holidays, especially your favorite one, no matter where you are. Even if you have to fake it til you make it.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Where Would You Draw the Line? or What does it take to convince me?

Thousands of dollars have been invested in my mouth. My teeth and my jaw. When I was 2 or 3 my jaw was broken and had to wired shut to repair the break. I have no idea how complicated or simple that was, but I know it left me with an overbite that I don’t think most people have.
When I was 7 or 8, while out running errands with my daddy, we stopped at a filling station (gas station for those of you too young to know and no, not a 7 Eleven or Circle K, or Toot-n-Totem) and I wanted some gum. Daddy gave me some money and I ran inside. Graceful has never been my long suite so I, of course, slipped in my strappy sandals and fell face first onto the hard concrete floor. Both front teeth were chipped in an arch. I remember crying. But what I remember most was my mother’s face when Daddy told her what had happened and her comments about how much money they had already spent on my teeth. Her face showed pure horror, her hand over her mouth as she bawled. Yeah, that is about when I realized how bad it apparently was.
I lived with those chipped teeth for many years. Of course, the torture at school was unmerciful as I changed from the school I had always known and friends I loved, to a country school where I was the new girl with the ugly teeth.
When I was 12 or 13, on one of our many trips to Mexico, in the border town of Piedras Negras, my parents took me to a dentist, who was going to give me a beautiful smile. I understood nothing that was said, and I don’t believe my parents did either. However, when I left, I had three new shiny looking teeth on the top front of my mouth.
Why three (?), you may ask, because I am so lucky to have genes that allow me to contract cavities on the sides of my teeth. Of course, my children also have this wonderful trait from their grandmother’s side of the family.
I wore that cap, yes, one whole piece over three teeth, making my mouth look “whole” for 5 or 6 years, until it came off one day. As a teenager I was terrified and wanted it fixed right away. Of course, my parents were in a better financial position and this time it was not a trip to Mexico but a real dentist. Who spoke English. Who said it was a temporary crown I had been wearing for years, not a true crown. Then he promptly gave me FOUR beautiful front teeth.
Now I was complimented when I smiled. Boys asked me out (not the ones from school, but other boys, college boys). All was good, front teeth wise for many years. Now remember, I am not discussing the number of fillings, crowns, root canals done on other teeth, just mainly my front teeth.
Is it any wonder I do not like going to the dentist? I don’t just dislike it, I abhor it. I think that is the word I want, it is the one that came to mind first. In a minute, you will understand that last comment/sentence.
In my late twenties, my gums were receding, due to the gum disease that runs in my family and my inept attempts at keeping it at bay. My beautiful smile became laden with grey metal around the edges of my teeth and my gums. I tried not to smile my most beautiful smile even though people told me I had a nice smile and I should smile more.
Over ten years later, when a man I really liked broke up with me and told me I had a nice smile but I should really consider getting my teeth fixed, I was crushed. I looked in the mirror and decided to invest in a smile.
Thousands later, with 4 root canals, a removal of an infected molar and bone loss, 4 new white crowns on the front. I started life over again.
One day, while in class with students and tearing tape with my teeth, one of my capped teeth broke off at the gum. I was mortified and called my dentist. No more tearing anything with teeth, other than food.
Now I have had two of those teeth break off at the gum and have had them screwed back in, along with two redone root canals.
The doctor I found, I really liked. I still do like her, and if I were in San Antonio, I would go to her in a heartbeat.
She told me about 5 years ago I should stop drinking sodas, diet coke, cokes, whatever you want to call it.
They are rotting my teeth. They will cause nothing but trouble for my mouth.
I did quit…. for a year.
Then I missed them, and started again, just now and then, mostly when mixing it with my favorite coconut rum.
I have not had many regular Coca Cola’s since I had children, mostly just Diet Coke.
This last year, while living overseas, where it is called Coca Cola Light, it is one of the few things that feel like “home” or “normal” to me.
So my new outlook has been, well, the next time I have to see the dentist, we will either do implants or I will have them all pulled and get false teeth.
Actually started asking about false teeth 15 years ago. Seems easier than doing what I am doing which is dreading the dentist until it is a major problem.
But my diet cokes in the fridge, which sounded good every morning and some evenings when I needed to “unwind”, were also whispering, “You really should give us up.”
So what is it that makes a person decide to give up a habit or something they enjoy that is really not good for her?
Something bigger than a pretty smile.

In August, I was in the states after a very relaxing cruise, I went to take care of some business and see family. The entire last week I was there, I was exhausted and felt sick. There were many stressors in my life, some I created and some that I felt from others close to me.
When I was traveling to the airport to return overseas, I ached all over. A knot in my back by my shoulder blades hurt. My friend stopped to work on it and then we continued on.
Once on the plane and in the air, my arms started hurting; I wondered if I was having a heart attack. My back hurt, my arms hurt, pain shooting through them. I leaned forward and had a good cry, hoping that would relieve it. I don’t know why I thought crying and releasing tension would help, but I did.
When I landed in DC to catch my next flight, I realized both my arms, just above my wrists and inside above my thumbs were numb, as well as a round spot above my right elbow on the outside of my arm.
I still boarded the overseas flight. The numbness didn’t go away and my arms hurt whenever I picked anything up. Not good when you are traveling with a backpack, carryon, and two large suitcases.
Two weeks after I returned, the numbness was present. A trip to the ER, where I was nervous about what they would find, I was reassured it was due to extreme stress, given some pills to “relax”, a complex vitamin B and calcium. They made an appointment for me to see a Neurologist.
Early September is when I saw the ER doctor. A week later, the txt for the appointment for the Neurologist came. It was for the 26th, not of September or October, but for November. Hmmm, guess they aren’t really worried, so maybe I shouldn’t be either.
Last week I visited the hospital on my tiny island to renew my meds. Yes, here vitamins need a prescription.
They couldn’t give me exactly what I wanted, and after having had some success with relaxing more and sleeping more, I really just want to know if this numbness will ever go away.
Another phenomenon has surfaced. I have found myself thinking one word and saying another. Like when I mean to say turn on the lamp, I will say turn on the lighthouse, or something else totally unrelated. (Hence my comment about how abhor came to mind and I hope that is the word used in it’s correct form, as I cannot use my entire vocabulary, as limited as it is, in a country that does not speak my language fluently).
So, after some research online, which I try not to do, so I won’t think I have the worst diseases I read about, I found out there are a myriad of people with my symptoms.
Most say it is due to stress, or could be a small stroke. However, many say it could be related to intake of Aspartame. Also, I read how addictive it is and really I am not craving the caffeine in the cokes as much as the artificial sweetener.

Hmm. Diet Cokes, even Coca Cola Light, here, have aspartame in them.

So where does the line get drawn in the sand?

I am willing to let sodas rot my teeth (which are already bad). . So I can get some fake ones…and still have a great smile. 

However, I am not willing to let them take my words and my sense of feeling from parts of my body to the point I have nothing to smile about. 

So, there, I quit. The same day I read the article. I have not had one since and I will not have one, unless it is made with real sugar, not corn syrup, which I have given up for some months now. 

Try reading labels on your food. You might find there is more corn syrup in things than you ever imagined. But that is another story.

I still have a great smile. These days I do smile more than ever, but mainly due to where I am. It is perceived as friendly and happy in a place where perceptions mean so much. Plus, it makes some wonder what I have been up to, and I like that idea.

So if you are one of those people who once told me I should smile more, don’t worry, I am.
Now, when I find out what is causing the numbness and what to do about it, I will smile even more. However, in the mean time, I will continue to change my habits to take care of myself as best I can. It would have been wise to start sooner, but better late than never. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Witch Doctors, Sea Snakes and Chickens

No two days at my beach are alike. One day it will be rough, high rolling waves all the way up to the rocks. The next, calm, slow rolling water, the only discernible wave motion is a swish and rolling pebble rumble  as  water retreats to the sea. 
In a secluded spot, with no others in sight at any time, it is my own private beach. The perks of having my own beach are innumerable. The downside is a short list but a very serious one.  
What if something happens while I am out in the water alone? Can you hear the theme from Jaws? I certainly can. 

Yesterday was an exceptional day for beach enjoyment. The water was calm, clear (as usual) and so inviting. The day was hot but not unbearable as most have been for the last two months when I have trekked to the beach. A light breeze tingled and cooled me while not in the water. Usually, I don't traverse too far from shore, thigh high water is just right for safety's sake, and just long enough to cool off and return drenched enough to relieve the heat of the day. Being an exceptional day, it was not the usual. With so much stress from work, it was so relaxing to sink in the water, watch the water roll in at eye level. Keeping my eye on the horizon for jumping fish, fins, whatever might occur, the blue of the water and sky mixed together for several minutes. Looking up, enjoying a blue sky, which is normally non-existent in the desert, and looking back out to the water, letting everything go and enjoying everything around me, time slipped away. 
Three times I stepped into the water, to sit and enjoy and float in the overly salty water for more than a few minutes. The one above was the first. In between seashell hunting, sitting in the chair enjoying a snack and a bottle of ice cold water and curiously checking out the two small beach areas next to my favorite, on a calm water day. 
As I sat in the chair, many flies, which are rare for me to encounter here kept buzzing around even with the swat of the bandanna in hand for keeping sweat out of my eyes. Then, there he was, a huge, buzzing dragon fly, witch doctor, bringing a smile to my face. A witch doctor in the desert next to the sea, a huge one, granddaddy size. He buzzed around and away he went but not entirely, he came back several times before I left. 
Then, of course, the song was in my head...

My friend the witch doctor, he taught me what to say
My friend the witch doctor, he taught me what to do
I know that you'll be mine when I say this to you
Oh, Baby ....

  Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
  Walla walla, bing bang
  Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
  Walla walla, bing bang...
  Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
  Walla walla, bing bang
  Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
  Walla walla, bing bang

So as I sat in the water, watching shadows on the rocks and sand below me, contemplating where some of the shadows came from as there were no discernible items to create them I could see, I found myself singing about the witch doctor. Then I realized if I was singing out loud, my voice was being heard under water, and my gaze went back to the horizon, looking for jumping fish. 
Of course there had been some all day, most were long, small and shiny silver, not worrying me too much as I was close enough to shore and the path was smooth for a quick retreat if needed. 

Somewhere along the way, I lost my train of thought and worry and drifted away in a stupor of perfection as far as a beachy day goes. 

Now if you have seen Lonesome Dove, one of the scariest scenes is when they cross the river and the Irish boy is attacked by water moccasins, and that is all I could think of, later, after the scream and hasty retreat out of the water. 

So if you scream at the private beach, and there is no one around to hear you, did you really scream? 

Out of nowhere, no wait, out of the water, at incredible speed, moving back and forth, like a serpent, shiny, silver, coming straight for my face.... 
Water splashing
Shiny blurr
hasty retreat
Clear water 
nervous laughter

and it was over. 

I have no idea what it was. I checked all over for a bite site, but none. I had relaxed enough, before the attack, afterwards all I could do was giggle and sit in the chair watching for a snake to emerge from the water. Nothing showed itself, no sea snake, no fish, no shark, nothing.

As a child growing up in Texas, the thing to do was to get back up on that horse and not be scared after being thrown for a loop. 

The witch doctor came by to check out how I was and then moved back down the beach. So I stood up, walked back out and sat down in the water up to my neck. 
It was heavenly, and again, I lost myself in the water and removed all other thoughts. 

A co-worker had heard there were sea snakes here, although none of us have ever seen one. 
During a trip to fish monger here I have seen more than a dozen sharks caught locally. 

So I am the chicken, or just trying to be safe while on my own private beach. 
Having had a stingray sting me on my ankle while at a beach, I would prefer to try to be a chicken than lost at sea or a beached whale, no one notices missing until the next work day. 

Love my beach days, and look forward to them every day. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I am Back

 Foot on the gas, eyes on the road,
Tapping my foot in a line, so many lines,
Settling into a seat, for the 9th hour in the air
or during a myriad of other scenarios
posts pop up in my head
"that would be ........., insert funny, good, interesting, enlightening, etc"
but they have not made it from my brain to my fingers.
I am hoping that will change soon...
of course, that thought has been looming as well...
we all have goals,
this is but one of mine

more to come... soon... I hope...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Bucket List Item #20

A ride in a bucket to the top of the world with the perfect companion to enjoy the view and the experience. 
The buckets have been found in abundance, unfortunately the latter is a bit more difficult to come by.... one day soon though... 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Same Same... Only Different

The more things change
The more they stay the same

The title of this post is a common saying among expats in the UAE.
The first two lines of this post can be explained in pictures.

If you didn't know better, you might think this is somewhere in far west Texas near Big Bend and Terlingua... but it isn't. 
It is Fujarah, an emirate in the UAE. Took a short road trip to check out the Gulf of Oman. Most road trips are more about the journey than the destination. This journey was more about another journey that didn't have a road or a map. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What is a Clever Conversation Worth?

A friend and I walk down aisles and aisles of kiosk shops from all over the world. One, in particular, in the India "area" has a few scarves we stop to discuss. 
The shop keeper attempts to lure us in, as do all the shop keepers in this part of the world. He says "This is the shop, this is where you want to be". 
I find his use of English very enticing, since so many of the people here cannot use proper grammar to concoct a sentence that isn't memorized as a sentence. 
We step in
What follows is a series of exchanges that are funny, playful and very entertaining. He has perfect language skills, he jokes, he makes us laugh. 
His prices aren't the best, my friend points out to me. 
I buy more scarves than I might wear in a lifetime, but they will make good gifts if I don't wear them. 
If I do wear them, I will smile and think of a conversation
with a shop keeper
who innocently flirted and said "40 dirham" with an expression on his face that felt like a kiss when it reached your ears. 

A clever conversation is worth gold to me. 
Right now I am gold poor. 
The prices don't matter, the exchange was priceless and my memory will hold it dear... 

Global Village in Dubai 10 aed
Scarves 150 aed
A 15 minute clever conversation that makes me laugh and smile ... Priceless

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I Resolve

Those darn resolutions... we all have good intentions don't we? At some point some of us are better at them than others. The ones chosen last year lasted for more than 6 months for me, but yes, eventually, one by one, they fell to the way side.

Holidays don't feel like holidays to me now. There is no trek over the hill country and through the barren woods to grandmother's house we go. Even though I have trekked over an ocean now, it just isn't the same. 

So Halloween came and went and was hardly a blip, even though I tried. A lonely pumpkin to be carved and some orange and black wrapped candy made it look a little bit like my favorite holiday, but not enough for it to feel like Halloween. 

Thanksgiving was a day of work for me and then a dinner in Abu Dhabi that was anything but traditional. I tried to make the most of it, but somehow it just wasn't. 

Christmas was great and everyone was festive. Having trekked over the pond to Lubbock Tx to spend time with people who are more my family than my family is/was, I enjoyed my time with Justin and Laura and especially Jacob. A child in the house creates magic that is hard to duplicate any other way. As much as it was close as it could get to looking like Christmas, complete with snow on the ground that morning, it just didn't feel like it to me. 

In a couple of weeks it will be my birthday. I don't dread the years or the numbers because there is no use in it, but I now dread the day... simply because I want my holidays back... I want to feel them, to be excited about them. 
I gave them up for a year when my mom died and now I want them back... and they haven't returned. 

So my only resolution this year is to find my festiveness for the occasion each and every time and make the most of it. I will feel festive, I will feel each and every hoidayish feeling and enjoy the little things associated with it. It may be only in my flat, with my friends, but it will be festive. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Pot To Pea In

I am a Texan.
I was born in Texas.
I lived in Texas all my life
until last August...

Nearly a half century, but not quite.
and nearly 50 pots of Blackeyed Peas
made on New Years day of each year.

My mom made them every year until she didn't.
When the passing of the torch was officially done
I don't remember
If you want your spoonful of good luck
you better make a good pot of peas

A fully equipped condo on the Texas Coast
has two different meanings
depending on who you are

To make a good pot of Black-eyed peas
pork, onions and simple seasoning of salt and pepper are involved

Having ridden the rental bike to the store
to retrieve said items
I returned to the condo to find
the one "pot" in the place
was a small half quart pot
that simply would not do

Thankfully a friend offered a pot for me to use

So here you go, the simple, good recipe for
Blackeyed Peas

1 large onion
Pork, either a ham bone with some meat on it, bacon (as much as you want, a third of a package of Hormel Black Label is what I use) or salt pork (my mom's favorite)
and a bag of Blackeyed peas, either dried or frozen or shelled fresh
If they are dried, soak them in water over night before cooking (if possible)

Cut up the onion,
put the peas in the pot with the onion
cover with water until about an inch over the peas
bring to a rolling boil
add the pork
salt and pepper
simmer with low rolling boil for at least a couple of hours

When peas are soft and brown they are probably done.
Add water as needed while cooking

Happy New Year everyone!

And Yes, Josh, you eat them on NEW YEAR'S DAY, and however many days after that the pot lasts. They are better the second day than the first.

and this year a big thank you to Pam for providing me a pot (big enough) to pea in !