Sunday, December 6, 2015

Traditional Chocolates

Traditions for life events in the UAE are very different from in the USA.
When you have a baby, get married, have something good happen for a family member, you don't receive any gifts… YOU GIVE chocolates.
A big, honking, gaudy, gold and/or silver tray filled with them. You set them out for others in a common area or you walk around and share them with everyone in the building (at work).
So the day I returned the rental car (the day after I picked up my new car), my friend said "Now you need chocolates."
What? Why do I need chocolates?
"You got a new car, you have to get chocolates".
OHHHHH you are right. I want a big tray of them, shaped like a car, in blue wrappers.
We laughed and drove to the chocolate shops.

Be wary when there is a red carpet ushering you into the shop of chocolates. The prices will be hefty and the service divine.
As we looked for a car shaped display (there wasn't one) with blue wrappers (only on the ones for newborns) a small serving tray of chocolates followed us (carried by one of the sales people). When we asked what was in the chocolate (filling? nuts?) we were told "corn flakes". We bit into the creamy deliciousness only to find it had something like Rice Krispies in one and nuts in the other. That is when I remembered that all cereal here is referred to as Corn Flakes by the locals. Corn flakes = cereal.
Finally, after deciding on a tray of a variety of shapes and sizes with no outer wrappers (tray was covered in shrink wrap) and paying, they put it in a huge shopping bag with handles and carried it to the car for us, we felt like royalty.
The next day at school when there was a lull, I walked around to share the chocolates with others. It was so interesting to see the different responses. All the western teachers were curious what kind of car I had purchased and the color. The local teachers were either not interested in knowing anything or they were excited for me but didn't ask what kind of car (remember, they drive really high end vehicles I could not have afforded even if I wanted to). It was very sweet for some of them to share in my excitement and showed me who is truly a friend and who is merely someone I work with.

Another traditional experience I had the opportunity to enjoy.
I will appreciate the trays of chocolates from others a bit more now.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

It is Mine, all MINE, well after 24 payments it will be…

So, last Sunday (a week ago), I came home from work (work week is Sunday to Thursday), tired, but I had everything in place to pick up my new car.
The anticipation and excitement were lack luster. I thought about putting it off a day… but then the salesman called and asked when I would be there.
I am on my way to pick up paperwork from him and come back home to meet a friend who knows where the UAE version of the DMV is. She meets me out front and we are off to get the license plates. A number machine and 3 counters later, we have the plates (no choices on numbers or style) and are on our way to get the car.
It is dark, just after 6 pm and the next step was the hardest. I had to sit and listen to all the great service that will come with the car before I was able to sit in it.
An eternity, ok, an hour, ok, 20 minutes later I finally was in my car, looking over all the amenities and getting to know it.
Finally, I pulled out of the dealership and onto the street, thinking… OMG what have I done now? I am finally settling into life in Abu Dhabi. What can I say, I am a late bloomer.
My friends who want me home, don't get too discouraged, things change on a dime here, and you never know what is around the corner. I will be home before you know it (after 24 payments).

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Car Purchasing at it's Finest

Last Wednesday I walked into a car dealership in Abu Dhabi. I had pretty much already made up my mind what I was going to do… little did I know what would ensue.
So after meandering around the showroom looking at the podiums next to each car with the price (better known as the sticker price) and the specs for each vehicle, I was finally approached by the only other soul in sight.
After learning I wasn't sure what I wanted but I had a friend who owned a Jetta and I really liked it, he proceeded to give me the comparison of a Jetta and a Passat.
I interrupted to let him know I wasn't interested in a bigger car unless it was somewhat of an SUV, my interests were:
Power to get up and go (to get out of the way of the speed demons (and I drive fast myself))
cruise control
arm rest
comfortable seat with enough leg room
usb port
and I asked what car colors were available other than white, black, brown, and silver.

and no, gas mileage was not something that came to mind, and it was also not anywhere on the spec sheet.
I also forgot to mention that I wanted a great stereo system as I want to turn my music up loud… which I have noticed is something else I don't see here, car stereo shops for speakers.

So after ascertaining there was a Blue Jetta with white and black leather interior (actually leatherette, whatever that is) and a Red Tiguan with beige interior, I decided to go for a test drive.

The only vehicle I could drive was a brown Jetta but with all the same amenities of the blue one.
The Tiguan was not available to drive until next week.

After 20 minutes of waiting, he drove up in front of the building in the Jetta and we took it for a spin.
Rear camera, sun roof, adjustable arm rest for the driver, cruise control, adjustable seat for my long legs, blue tooth, memory card, usb, 6 cd changer (guess I will be buying some now) and so much more… I liked it

So when we sat down after the test drive, I asked about the Tiguan, and he basically talked me out of a vehicle that cost more than 10 grand USD more by asking why I wanted it for that much more money and did I need an SUV….

30 minutes later, after learning how they take a deposit on the car (2000 aed or about 540 USD), I have to get a check from the bank, email the loan officer at the bank a copy of my Emirates ID, my passport,  my visa and a salary certificate from my employer stating what I make.

Then I pay 20 percent down, my insurance for a year up front and for the window tinting of the vehicle to be done by the time I pick it up.

Then after he processes all the paper work, I left with the agreement paper and the specs of the car.

A trip to the bank ensues to order ONE check, as I have to write a check for the full amount of the car and sign it. They will hold it until I pay off the car.
Ordering a check is a 2-4 day process. I wait to talk to a business teller and he has to copy my emirates id front and back, fill out a form and have me sign it. A courier deliver service will bring it to me after it is processed.
They sent an sms to me 2 days in to arrange delivery.

I emailed the paper work to the loan officer.
After I get the check (today),  I am to call the loan officer and set up a time to meet to sign the loan, etc.

Then I can go back to the dealership to get everything signed and in order and the dealership will then process the car for delivery which will take 2 days.

My friends tell me that when the car is ready, I will go to the dealership, get all the paperwork for the registration and license plates and take it to the equivalent of the DMV to pick up the tags. Then I have to take them back to the dealership to have them install them.

THEN I will have my car and drive it home.

We are 6 days in… I can now tell people why I haven't purchased a car here before now…

I know you are jealous that you don't get to have all the fun, but now you know what it takes to buy a car in the UAE.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Decision Made

For the last four years I have lived abroad in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. For the most part it has been ok. Well, not ok in the sense that it was easy… it wasn't. It isn't. But the last 14 months have been the best I have had since I arrived.
School reform and changing from a third world to a first world country takes time, patience and, with out saying… education. The road is long and the end of it is not in sight. I doubt I am here to see it.

Should I stay, or should I go? One of my favorite dance tunes and lyrics has been my mantra of late.
The original plan was the two year contract with hopes of it lasting 5 years.
The end of this year will be 5 years.
I bought a house in my home town in Texas, 3 ish years ago, so I added a year to get it paid for before I leave (5 year loan).
Most of my friends have gone, making new friends requires more here than you could ever expect… so not an easy task.

In August, some friends of mine asked me to watch their dog while they were out of town, oh and drive their car until they returned in 3 weeks. They have a VW Jetta. I liked it, I liked it a lot.
I did.
I told them I hadn't considered a VW as a car choice (unless it was a vintage one) until I drove theirs.
They got a great deal, on 0% financing and said it was a promotion that comes around in the fall.

Last week, as I was driving to work in my rented POS that is the cheapest I can get, and even for a Honda, is like driving a cracker box.
No cruise control
No USB port
No Window tinting (really important in the hot desert)
No camera or backing up warning signals
No road noise reduction
No sunroof (I know, silly me, even in the desert I want one)
No arm rest
No No No

but I digress, as I was driving to work, the advertisement for the VW promotion was playing on the radio.
Without missing a beat, I said, out loud "I am buying a car".
The bigger picture?
I am staying at least two more years, which means three school years including this one. Maybe more.
I could go home, and I know plenty of people who have. Many who are doing fine and many who wish they hadn't left.
I cannot work the hours I work, live with the low bills I have and make the money I make here if I move home to Texas. So… work more hours, make less money, probably not teaching as they don't want to pay me for my years… ? why would I do that?

So yes, I made a decision. I bought a 2016 Volkswagen Jetta, Blue with white and black leather interior and I haven't even seen it in person yet.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Getting Started #NewYearNewMe

January 9, 2015, I gave up processed sugar
January 14, I gave up wheat flour

If you know me, you know I love sweets and for the last few years I haven't had any reason I could find to stop eating them... no men to impress.  Wearing loose clothes and fully covering my body for work made it easy to not pay attention to the weight I was gaining. Stress. From. Work. the last TWO years.

This school year is great, the stress is "normal" work stress and life is good...

Then I looked down...


So, #NewYearNewMe is in full force.

The idea is to whittle down the sugar to nearly non existence, stay off it in entirety for 3 weeks, then add it back in with healthy choices.

One step at the time. The next step is Dairy. It will occur next week.

I haven't really had any big cravings, just one on my last day of work this week, Red Velvet Cupcakes from the local grocer. They are my new favorite.
That quickly went away as I was planning my salad for the afternoon with roasted pecans, strawberries and pineapple.

I imagine the hardest part will be when I give up the fruit. We will see.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I Admit It, I Am Addicted

 That's right. I have an addiction that is truly harmful to me. I am addicted to sugar. It is causing me great harm in the shape of my body and will possibly lead to worse scenarios if I don't do something about it now.
My first step started a while back. I stopped drinking soda, pop, cokes, specifically Diet Coke. I then reverted to Coke, once living overseas where they are still made with sugar not corn syrup. I have cut back on them considerably, even though I wasn't drinking that many (3-4 a week). Now it is a rare treat and I no longer crave them.
My next step is to cut out all processed sugar. Cakes, candy, cookies, chocolate, and sugar in my tea or coffee (the hardest to deal with). I am still eating fruit and limited amounts of bread/potatoes and they will be the next to go.
So far I have made it two days. Is there a two day chip? I deserve one! lol I am hoping to stay off it until I am through the full 3 steps, with fruit being the last to be eliminated, about a total of a month, but we will just have to see how it goes and if I fall off the wagon.
It hasn't been overly tempting at this point. At least most people at work are dieting, so there aren't many sweets  in plain sight to call my name.
The headache has come... the crabbiness has increased... pray for those around me until it all subsides.

Friday, January 9, 2015

New Life, New Me

So excited to look forward to a great new year. 2014 started off rough and ended up great. I am hoping 2015 ends up as great as it has started out.
I love my job.
I am happy where I am.
I need to do some remodeling of me, other than that... everything is PERFECT.

Now if any of you have ever done some remodeling, you know you start with peeling back to the bare bones and rebuilding.

So... This year is all about utilizing strategies to make healthy new habits part of my life and letting go of unhealthy habits.

One of my new strategies is to write daily. Either here or pen and paper.

Happy New Year Everyone.